Welcome to The Last Bite- a blog for foodies by a foodie. My name is Christina. I like food. A lot.
Since childhood, I have been building memories with friends and family around the dinner table. There's something about sharing a meal with the people you love that I find uniquely bonding. My Greek and German heritage essentially means that I was raised to eat, drink, and be merry.
As I am making my way through my 20's, I have become a self-taught cook and baker amongst those who know me. Creating something in the kitchen and watching someone else enjoy it has become an experience that matches, and honestly sometimes surpasses, my passion for eating. I find my time in the kitchen a cathartic departure from my hectic life as a NYC middle school teacher.
My father, an off-the-boat Greek, opened and ran multiple restaurants and cafes throughout the New York area upon coming to America. As an effect, my whole life has been spent restaurant hopping alongside one of the toughest self-proclaimed food critics in the world. Look up ridiculously high standards in the dictionary and there is a picture of my dad. As embarrassing as his restaurant outbursts, which occur more often than not, can be, I have learned to understand the importance of quality food. Even with my own cooking, his response is very often "it's good, but..."
The meals that I have created which have not been met with this response are the ones I know are keepers.
In addition to acquiring my own recipe tester, I have inherited his enjoyment of dining out. I love the thrill of trying a new restaurant. I admittedly always sneak a peek at the menu online before dinner. It gives me something to look forward to and ensures that when I get where I'm going I can sit back, relax, and take in the atmosphere.
My travels are almost always driven by food. I believe that you can learn a lot about the rich culture of a place by how they eat. My last two vacations were to Siena and Rome, Italy, and New Orleans, LA. My type A personality spent months of preparation ensuring that my sister and I would have the best authentic dining experiences within our budget, and man did it pay off. We have had many a moment when we thought we truly would have to rolled out of the restaurant! Whenever we look back on our vacations over the years, the food we ate is the first thing we talk about. Below is a picture of me from our Rome adventure eating my favorite food in the world- pizza!
My title, The Last Bite, is a reference to the way in which I choose to enjoy my food. I eat strategically. I am a planner. When looking at my plate, I see the end before I even begin. I make sure my last bite is going to be representative of the truest flavors of the dish, leaving me with a delicious memory of the experience that will have me craving more.
With this blog, it is my hope to share some of my food adventures with you, the reader. Let's go!