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Holy Guacamole

Guac cravings are hard. They come on fast and strong, and that pesky little ingredient called an avocado can make or break it. Finding a perfectly ripe avocado in the store is close to impossible. I buy the bag at Trader Joe's or Costco telling myself I'll wait for them to ripen up and then...well, often I forget. I'm left with overripe avocados, which is just yuck. This week I had a guac craving AND two perfectly ripe avocados- craving fulfilled with this quick-fix recipe that pairs GREAT with my enchiladas!


2 campari or roma tomatoes, deseeded and diced

2 cloves of garlic, minced

2 tbsp cilantro, chopped

1 lime, squeezed

2 ripe avocados

8 dashes of hot sauce (I use Cholula)



1. Combine tomatoes, garlic, cilantro and lime in a bowl. Let marinate for 15 minutes.

2. Add avocado and smash with a fork or potato masher. Add hot sauce and salt and pepper to taste. Mix and serve!

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